Our penis-molding kit lets you make an exact, vibrating, silicone replica of any penis, safely and easily in the comfort of your own home. Clone-A-Willy is a homemade dildo kit that captures incredible lifelike detail, making it the most personalized sex toy on the planet. It's not only fun and easy to do, but is a great tool for self-love as well as coupled exploration & connection!
Each Clone-A-Willy Kit comes with:
- Body-safe, Forever Fuchsia-colored 100% platinum-cure, medical-grade silicone
- Algae-based Molding Powder
- Molding tube
- Single-speed vibrator
- Stir stick
- Disposable Thermometer
- Easy-to-follow instructions
Not included:
- Scissors
- Mixing bowl & utensils
- Disposable bowl/cup
- Cardboard square (to secure vibrator in place)